ah yes, the first beer. this one was special. we had this beer at one of our favorite watering holes, circus. circus has always been a special place because they sold beers for a mere 50kr. surrounded by bars that charge double, if not more, circus has always felt sacred. during 2022 prices everywhere skyrocketed, but the beer at circus stayed the same. we thought inflation couldn’t reach us here.
in a way, drinking this beer was sad. not because it tasted bad, but because when i bought two beers at the bar i payed 110kr. the prices had increased. from this eery january day, beers at circus would cost 55kr. compared to other norwegian bars, it is still dirt cheap, but it made us think about how an era was over. we are never going to be buying beers for 50kr in norway, for the rest of our lives.

the olden days
nuutti and i drank our beer while we reminissed back at the olden days, when we would only have to pay 50kr. a new chapter has now begun. welcome to brutalist.beer